Program Overview

The Grow Our Own Minority Participation Program and Plan were originally conceived in response to community desires for greater minority and disadvantaged business participation in the Springfield Rail Improvements Project and Multimodal Facility. While project sponsors agreed to undertake a number of business inclusion initiatives, they recognized that long-term success requires investing in the minority talent and entrepreneurship pipeline. To accomplish this, they developed a plan in late 2013 for mentoring minority youth towards college degrees and full-time employment in engineering and railroad-related fields.

Grow Our Own offers a combination of exposure, education and employment opportunities for high potential minority youth who have an interest in and aptitude for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). These youth, who range from middle-school students to college scholars, are recruited through area schools, minority-based organizations and individual referrals. To the best extent possible, those who meet the program’s criteria of good grades, STEM interests, and a strong program reference are invited to participate in events, experiences, programs, and internships offered by a range of community partners.

Program Partners300Hanson Professional Services Inc., the program’s manager, works with minority-based organizations, businesses, colleges and universities, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), and others within the Springfield community to link students to existing programs that advance learning, skill development and professional growth. Among these programs is a mentoring initiative led by Hanson employees along with paid summer internships that Hanson offers several high school or college-level minority students each year. Older students like these are supported in applying for, attending and completing not only Hanson’s program, but also others like IDOT’s Highway Construction Careers Training Program and the University of Illinois’ National University Rail Center Diversity Program. Younger students are connected with groups like Frontiers International’s Junior Frontier’s Program to go on field trips and participate in hands-on learning experiences. No matter where students fall on the education spectrum, Grow Our Own works to expand their access to enriching career pathways that promote bright, prosperous futures.